Many injuries happen at work. In these circumstances, it is vital to obtain the advice of a lawyer who practises in WorkCover claims, as the law is very complicated with strict time limits.
An injured worker’s entitlements includes medical and like expenses and a lump sum payment for any permanent impairment provided you are assessed at 10% or more impaired as a whole person.
The injured worker is also entitled to wage payments of up to 130 weeks and in some cases more.
In addition, if you have been assessed at 30% or more impaired OR where your life has been significantly affected by the injury, you may be entitled to a Serious Injury Certificate from either Workcover or from the County Court where one is refused by Workcover.
In circumstances where you can show the injury was not likely to have happened but for the negligence of your employer and you have a Serious Injury Certificate, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your pain and suffering, loss of past and for future earnings, including any lost superannuation.
WorkCover also covers those who are tragically killed or die at work, for both their spouse and children.
Garden & Green Lawyers have dealt with many types of these claims and can be relied upon for compassionate advice and treatment of these matters.
Personal Injury
Personal injury can arise from many types of accidents such as slipping in public places, the workplace or motor vehicle accidents. They can arise in circumstances where if proper precautions had been taken by those responsible, the accident would not have happened.
In many of these cases, compensation is available to restore lost earnings, both past and future, medical and like expenses; to compensate for permanent impairment of a bodily function and for pain and suffering. No amount of money can ever compensate for some injuries, but it can and does provide for future support and future medical expenses.
We provide quality services to our personal injury clients throughout Victoria and conduct matters in the Supreme and County Courts in Melbourne, Shepparton, Bendigo and Wodonga.